This was a find! Mom and I were on our way home when we saw smudge pots for sale, only $5.00...ok, we had to stop and see what they looked like. When we drove up to the orchard, there must have been 40 of those pots just sitting there. Some very burnt and sad, some were good enough to bring home. So we picked up a couple and sent them to be sand blasted. They looked so much better after the sand blasting. Now the question is what do we paint on it? We saw some of these pots painted a while ago at the Rogue Valley International Airport . Some were painted with a pear orchard theme. (Which is where these came out of) Thought I would go to the Internet and see how other people painted their pots. You know, I could only find just a few, just a hand full....ok, you know what this means....HELP! ;o) Guess I will have to figure out something fun. If you have any ideas, I will listen....
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